botman's bots

Half-Life bot development

- BotMixer5000
- HPB bot
- Bot # 10
- Bot # 9
- Bot # 8
- Bot # 007
- Bot # 6
- Cinco Bot
- Bot # 4
- PG Bot
- Gump Bot
- Fodder Bot

- The Darkulator
- BSP tools
- hpk_extract
- Monster
- Stripper2
- Singing Walter
- NetProbe
- Coding Pages
Building the SDK
SDK Humor
HPB Waypoint files

About me
E-mail me

Monster (a metamod plugin):

Monster is a plugin for Half-Life (and MODs) that will allow you to add some of the monsters from the Half-Life single player game into other MODs.

The Monster plugin requires metamod to run.  You do not need to install AdminMOD, but if you do already have AdminMOD installed, then you also already have metamod installed (since AdminMOD also requires metamod).

There is a fairly extensive ReadMe.txt file included that explains how to set up metamod and how to configure metamod to use the Monster plugin.  The ReadMe.txt file also explains how to add monsters to a map.

WARNING!!! This is a BETA release and may cause your server to crash with some MODs.  I have tested it pretty throughly with Team Fortress 1.5 (and ran it overnight with no problems).  I have created a few monsters in Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Firearms, Deathmatch classic (DMC) and Half-Life deathmatch and it seemed to work properly, but the monsters don't know anything about MOD specific game options like freeze times at the start of a round, etc.

Also note that adding more than a few monsters will cause additional LAG in the network connection.  The amount of lag will depend on how many monsters and what type they are (different monsters send different amounts of data to the client).  If you are experiencing more lag that you would like, try using fewer monsters or try spawning some monsters that don't send as much data to the client (like headcrabs, snarks, or zombies).

Here's some screenshots of the Monster plugin on the TFC map 2FORT.  There's a sample Monster configuration file for 2FORT included in the Monster plugin that I used to create these screenshots.  I like to affectionately call the Monster 2FORT configuration file "MAYHEM ON THE BRIDGE!".  :)

2fort1 2fort2
2fort3 2fort4

Downloading Monster:

Download the zip file and extract it to your Half-Life directory then read the enclosed ReadMe.txt file.

Download Monster plugin - Version 3.0
Download the LINUX Monster plugin - Version 3.0
Download Source code to the Monster plugin - Version 3.0